27th of October 2010
Lecture at the Architekturforum Passau

main topic of this year's general assembly of the Architekturforum Passau is tourism architecture. Right after the agenda Bibiane Hromas holds a lecture about the topic "Architecture attracts visitors".
Entrepreneurs of the tourism industry are in the focus of this year's meeting. The main goal is to facilitate the approach to good and well built architecture and to show the bis advantages that can be achieved.



ÖRV Congress in Beirut, Lebanon
22nd - 26th of October 2010

This year's ORV (Austrian Association of Travel Agencies) conference is entiteled with the topic
"Architecture Attracts Visitors"
. Bibiane Hromas is invited to speak about the increasing importance
good architecture as a reason to travel to a certain destination and about its positive impact
in the touris
m industry

During conference the participants will
meet the lebanese Minister of Tourism and there will be many exciting exkursions.


Lectureship for
Bibiane Hromas at the FH Vienna

14th of June 2010

Starting with the upcoming semester fall 2010 the FH Vienna offers a new 
master course for tourism management. Bibiane Hromas of platou will be one of the lecturers for this new course. She will be focussing on the topic architecture and tourism.
The Conecpt and targets of that innovative course will be elucidated together with the other docents.

FH Vienna
press release

"Architecture and Tourism inside of the Hypercubus
" in Trausdorf near Eisenstadt
26th of May 2010

For the 4th time platou organizes a serie of events called "Vacancy". Together with ArchitekturRaum Burgenland there will be invited experts from different fields to discuss architecture in the tourism industry, the ecology of hotels and the development of new concepts for the tourism industry of the area.
A group of architects called "WGdrei" have designed a very innovative object - the hypercube - which will be presented.

The event will be led by
Bibiane Hromas and Nikolaus Thaller from platou. At the end there is the possibility to taste wine at the winefarm Esterhazy.

read more

to the series of events "Vacancy"
Architekturraum Burgenland
Winefarm Esterhazy



mposium on the topic „Tourismarchitecture“ in Kochel am See, Germany
16th of March 2010

The convention is being held to discuss the local potential of the tourism industry. Topics included in the sy
mposium yre reflexions regarding the social, economical, ecological and the architectonical developement chances.
The topic is oriented towards the tourism industry, the gastronomy, the local administration and architects.

Highly reknown personalities of the different fields present chances and possibilities. Bibiane
about incentives regarding investments in good modern architecture.


„Hotel and tourism industry" at the k47-keyclub in Vienna
26th of February 2010

In the course of the Networking-Event-Serie »klub47« the k47-keyclub Vienna invites to a friday afternoon
meeting about the topic "Hotel and tourism industry" hosted by Martin Schaffer, manager
Kohl & Partner Wien. He welcomes Bibiane Hromas who gives a presentation on
does architecture enhance the hotel industry? Is there an additional value because of good
modern architecture?"


read more

„Tourism architecture“ on the Ger
man television

On the 7th of February an interesting report within the series "ARD-Ratgeber Reise“ is shown.
main focus was set on locations of good modern architecture in the Austrian province Tyrol.
Examples in the episode are the skihut Addis Abeba(r) in Galtür as well as innovative
accommodation concepts like the refugio.laudegg and Aradira-Appartments in Ladis and Kappl.

In addition to the Erlebnismuseum Alpinarium in Galtür there is also presented the new Tal- und Bergstation
of the Rendlbahn in St. Anton am Arlberg.

Curious? The full-length serie in german is to be seen here

The 1st platou video is online! Step into the world of tourismarchitecture and experience how good modern architecture can change the tourism industry.

see the video



22nd of January  (excursion) and 28th of January 2010 (discussion)

It's a two days event organized by ORTE that wants to introduce contemporary architecture of the province Burgenland to the wine farmers of Lower Austria (excursion). Followed by a discussion one week later.

Bibiane Hromas is one of the invited participants at the discussion which is led by Jan Tabor
(architecture critic)

The discussion ta
kes place on the 28th of January 2010 at 7 pm at the Wachaumuseum
Teisenhoferhof, in 3610 Weißenkirchen 22. Free Entrance!


Series of events at the TMC in Bruneck about the topic: "Correlates good
hotel architecture with high added value?"

18th of January 2010

The TMC - Tourism Management Club - is a project initiated by a course of laureate in tourism
management of the free university of Bolzano. The invited guests are Bibiane Hromas, Monika
Gogl (Architect) and Erich Falkensteiner (
Erich Falkensteiner, chief of the Falkensteiner Group)

When: Monday, 18th of January 2010. Start at 8 pm
Where: Bruneck, South Tyrol, Raiffeisenforum, Europastr. 19 (4th floor)

Folder about the serie

TMC South Tyrol

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